

2020.08.19 (Wed)



仕事の⾯では、⽇本語⼒を⽣かしていろいろなことに挑戦できました。英語や⽇本語の翻訳のほか、「アロハフレンドシップ」や町合併15 周年記念式典で、ハワイからの訪問者の随⾏や通訳をしました。特に通訳が難しく、⾄らない点もあったかと思いますが、町の国際交流事業に携わったことが光栄でした。
さらに、同じハワイ出⾝であるALT のカイ先⽣やケイリー先⽣と⼀緒に英会話教室を担当しました。英語を教えることは初めてでしたが、クラスはいつも笑顔であふれ、とても良い交流ができました。
国際交流員として未熟な点も多かったと思いますが、私に会ったことでハワイやアメリカの⼈に対して好感を持っていただけたなら嬉しいです。湯梨浜町で暮らした1年は忘れません。改めて、町⺠の皆さんに対して深く感謝します。Mahalo nui loa !(ありがとうございました!)

Summer in Japan is quite hot, isn’t it? Please take measures against both COVID-19 infection and heat stroke.
I have lived in Yurihama for an entire year, but will return to Hawaii later this month. In my last column, I’d like to talk about the things I experienced during this year.

Throughout my daily life in Yurihama, I have eaten lots of local food, relaxed at Hawai Beach, and participated in events and festivals, making many memories along the way. I had also been looking forward to several events, which were unfortunately cancelled due to the spread of COVID-19. However, I’d love to return to Yurihama and participate in them someday.
I also really enjoyed interacting with the town residents. I had so many fun conversations in places all over Yurihama. Through those conversations and interactions, I learned more about Japanese culture and the town itself. Many people in Yurihama have supported me until now, and I am grateful for everyone’s kindness.
In my work, I made use of my Japanese language skills for a variety of things. Besides things like English and Japanese translations, I also accompanied and interpreted for guests from Hawaii for the Aloha Friendship exchange and the 15th Anniversary Ceremony for Yurihama’s founding. Interpreting was especially difficult, and I felt my skills were insufficient, but it was an honor to take part in the town’s international exchange initiatives.
I also planned and taught an English conversation class along with the town’s ALTs, Kai and Kayli (both from Hawaii). Though I was nervous about my first time teaching English, the class was always full of smiles and I got to spend time with many town residents.
As a Coordinator for International Relations, I was quite inexperienced. However, I’d be glad if Yurihama’s residents gained a positive image of Americans and people from Hawaii after meeting me.

I’ll never forget the year I spent living in Yurihama. Once again, thank you to everyone! Mahalo nui loa!


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